PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Is your hair receding like a full-on military retreat? Don’t surrender! Fight back with PRP! Utilizing the follicle healing power of Platelet-Rich Plasma, you can see new hair growth after only a few sessions!*

Paradise Medspa & Wellness uses only the very best PRP preparation available with Eclipse® PRP Kits. With a simple in-office blood draw for platelet harvesting, your own cells are used to generate growth factors and nutrients that have been shown in clinical studies to improve the health and density of hair in thinning regions of the scalp.

Several injections into the thinning area are performed by our experienced physicians resulting in improved hair density and fullness.

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.

PRP Steps

Ready to know more?

Schedule a consultation with us today to see if Platelet Rich Plasma is the right solution for you.

Before & After

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.