Natural Hormone Therapy

Aging is a natural process controlled by our endocrine and immune systems. As these systems decline in function so do we. Research has shown that maintaining our hormone levels and boosting our immune system naturally can prevent the debility and illness that accompany the aging process.

Natural hormone therapies are biologically identical in chemical structure to our body’s hormones. They are typically derived from plants and compounded at special compounding pharmacies. Synthetic hormones are made by pharmaceutical companies and are not chemically identical to our body’s hormones. For this reason they can have substantially different effects even harmful as the literature has shown.

Replacing diminished hormones such as Thyroid, DHEA, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone in men and women can not only slow the aging process but also the occurrence of age related chronic diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and heart disease.

The more obvious effects of natural hormone therapies are increased strength and vitality, freedom from hot flashes, weight loss, improved memory and libido, prevention of chronic illnesses and pain syndromes.

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

The Process

We will obtain a thorough personal, medical and family history including a hormone imbalance symptom questionnaire. We will then obtain laboratory data reflecting your individual hormone levels. This may be done with saliva or blood testing. Your treatment plan may include creams, pills, lozenges or pellets at a local compounding pharmacy. In addition to your bio-identical hormone therapy, nutritional supplements and a life style plan can be customized to meet your individual needs. Pellets are placed into the subcutaneous tissue in the hip area. Regain energy, muscle strength & mental clarity.

BioTe Bio Identical Hormone Pellets

Hormone optimization is key to healthy aging. Prevent heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and dementia with optimal hormone balance. Feel and look great too. Imagine no more brain fog, weight gain and fatigue. Using Bio Identical hormone pellets is the most efficient way to reach your goals.

FEMALE Pelleting -$350

MALE Pelleting -$750

For more information on our BioTe services, visit or check out the videos below.

BioTe in Phoenix

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