
Microneedling with Dermapen

Microneedling treatments have shorter treatment times, are less painful and have no side effects  They also vary in depth depending upon skin condition for which the device is being used. Light treatments are a great way to treat mild acne scarring and improve fine lines and skin texture, where deeper needling treatments may be necessary to improve more significant acne scarring, keloid scarring or stretch marks.

Microneedling helps to alleviate and reduce many skin conditions, including:

  • Acne scars and wound healing
  • Improve wrinkles and fine lines
  • Minimize pore size
  • Improve stretch marks
  • Treat alopecia or hair loss
  • Improve skin tightening, lifting and rejuvenation

Compared to traditional dermal needling devices, microneedling minimizes epidermal damage which means less pain and bleeding.

Ready to find out more?

We are excited to discuss your aesthetic goals. Call to schedule your consultation today!

Before & After

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.

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Aqua Gold

Aqua Gold utilizes a combination of gold-tipped Microneedling with a proprietary reservoir system to deliver serums and medications directly into the dermis. This  treatment is ideal for fine lines around the eyes and for creases on the chest.

We like to use a combination of neuromodulators such as Botox or Dysport plus dermal fillers for plumping - my favorite is Restylane Silk. This results in a diminished appearance of pores and fine lines as well as provides an immediate glow to the skin.

Treatments are painless with minimal downtime. Results last about 3 months before the treatment needs to be repeated.

For more information on our Microneedling therapies, call Paradise at 602-266-8144 and schedule a consultation today.

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.