Laser Vein Treatments

Spider veins on the legs and broken capillaries on the face can be an embarrassing and annoying problem for many of us. Paradise Medspa & Wellness offers relief from these unsightly areas with the use of laser technology.

The laser delivers a focused beam of light targeted at the hemoglobin molecule of the blood found in these veins. The laser’s energy is used to heat up these molecules causing damage to the vein. While the vessel may disappear instantly, we recommend at least two treatments to fully treat the area. *Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.

As with laser hair removal, laser vein treatments are not painless. Most people describe the procedure as a feeling similar to that of a rubber band snapping against their skin. Discomfort can be greatly minimized, however, by use of our cooling devise. There may be some degree of redness or irritation noted to the area after treatment, but you can resume all of your normal activities once you leave the office. As with all of our medical procedures, your laser vein treatment will be performed by one of our skilled physicians.

Please schedule a consultation at our office for a more accurate estimate of pricing for your condition.

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.

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Before & After

*Please note that results may vary from patient-to-patient and cannot be guaranteed.