Hair Rejuvenation with Micronized Fat Transfer

Hair loss affects 70% of men and 40% of women in their lifetimes and can start as early as a person’s teens, with risk increasing with age.

Miniaturization of the hair follicle is the clinical hallmark of balding in men and women. Certain studies have established that stem cells residing in the scalp remain at persistent numbers, but the conversion of stem cells to the progenitor cells required for follicle regrowth and cycling is reduced in balding patients. Efforts to assist in this regeneration of the hair follicle may induce a more robust and stronger recycling of the hair follicle. Once these stem cells are administered, they have the ability to repair and re-activate dormant follicles, forming new cells of mesenchymal origin.

Micronized Fat Transfer aims to provide a targeted placement of these regenerative cells to aide in the stem cell niche for hair cycling as a non-surgical option for patients experiencing hair loss.

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