Micronized Fat Transfer Rejuvenation Procedure

Paradise offers Micronized Fat Transfer - a revolutionary skin rejuvenation procedure using your own tissues to restore volume, texture and tone.  This procedure is a simple outpatient treatment that can turn back the clock in less than 45 minutes with minimal to no downtime for Face, Hands and Hair.

When people get older and lose collagen, or even experience weight loss, volume is depleted and the structural support to your skin in lost.

Your body slows collagen production in your mid-to late-20’s.  By age 40, most people have up to 20% collagen loss and by age 50 30% collagen loss. In order to restore the volume to a younger state, the volume and structure must be rebuilt to have a more youthful appearance. Using a combination of the body’s regenerative cells and fat tissue, the micronized fat offers complete rejuvenation and natural looking results without going under the knife.

Micronized fat transfer is a nonsurgical treatment program that uses your own regenerative cells and fat tissue to address everything that happens to our skin with aging. Dr. Weiss has been specially trained in the techniques and methodology to maximize optimal results safely.

Micronized Fat Transfer offers a complete rejuvenation with natural looking results as the entire procedure comes from YOU!

Before & After

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